Delegation Vs. Decentralization
Delegation and decentralization are the two most common terms in management. Both are sometimes used interchangeably and have some common meaning.
Delegation is the act of assigning authority and tasks to others within an organization, empowering them to make decisions and complete specific responsibilities on behalf of a higher authority.
On the other hand, Decentralization involves dispersing decision-making power across different levels or entities within an organization. It distributes authority, allowing local entities or departments to make decisions suited to their expertise.
In this article, we will explore the decentralization of authority and delegation of authority, the differences between them, and the similarities between them. So, let’s get started:
What is Delegation of Authority?
Delegation of Authority involves assigning tasks and granting decision-making power from a superior to subordinates within an organization. It’s the process wherein a manager allocates responsibilities, empowering subordinates to act within specified limits.
This transfer enables managers to distribute workload, focus on crucial tasks, and foster subordinates’ job satisfaction and motivation.
In this dynamic, the delegator retains ultimate accountability while granting limited authority to ensure efficient task completion, thereby enhancing organizational effectiveness.
What is Decentralization of Authority?
Decentralization of Authority encompasses the systematic distribution of decision-making power from top management to lower levels within an organization. It involves distributing significant decision-making authority to various levels, aiming to balance centralized control with delegated autonomy.
This process vests major decision-making power at the top while delegating considerable authority to middle and lower management levels. Decentralization empowers these levels to make decisions aligned with their expertise, enhancing organizational responsiveness and efficiency.
It’s a strategic approach that ensures a balance of centralized direction with distributed decision-making capabilities across the organization’s hierarchy.
Difference Between Delegation and Decentralization
Now, let’s differentiate between delegation of authority and decentralization of authority with their bases of differences:
Scope of Authority Transfer
Delegation involves a fine and targeted transfer of decision-making authority within the organizational structure. This process is characterized by a deliberate and selective assignment of responsibilities to subordinates. It is not a wholesale distribution of power but a strategic allocation tailored to specific tasks.
In contrast, decentralization is a more far-reaching paradigm. It transcends the confines of specific tasks, aiming for a holistic dispersal of authority that spans multiple organizational levels.
This broader scope enhances organizational adaptability and responsiveness to dynamic challenges.
Hierarchy Involvement
Delegation primarily operates within the confines of a hierarchical relationship, where a superior delegates specific tasks or decisions to a subordinate. This hierarchical structure is well-defined, with authority flowing from higher to lower levels.
Conversely, decentralization disrupts this traditional hierarchy by diffusing authority horizontally across multiple organizational layers. It doesn’t solely rely on top-down hierarchical structures; instead, it involves a more horizontal distribution of decision-making power.
Decentralization fosters a more inclusive environment, encouraging participation and decision-making at various organizational echelons.
Accountability Structure
In the realm of delegation, the ultimate accountability remains with the delegator, typically a superior or manager. Although decision-making power is transferred to a subordinate, the delegator is ultimately responsible for the outcomes.
Contrastingly, decentralization introduces a shift in the accountability structure. It disperses accountability among lower organizational levels where decisions are made.
This decentralization of accountability encourages a culture of ownership and responsibility among different tiers, reducing the reliance on a single individual or hierarchical level.
Read More: Responsibility Vs. Accountability – 12 Differences
Objective and Focus
Delegation primarily focuses on optimizing task distribution and specialization. It aims to streamline operations by assigning specific tasks to individuals or teams capable of handling them efficiently.
In contrast, decentralization operates with a broader organizational objective. It seeks to empower lower-level managers, fostering agility and adaptability within the organizational framework.
This strategic emphasis on empowering various levels aligns with the broader organizational goals of responsiveness and efficiency.
Autonomy Granted
Delegation grants a limited degree of autonomy to individuals or teams to execute predefined tasks or decisions. The boundaries are well-defined, allowing the delegates a certain level of freedom within those parameters.
Conversely, decentralization provides a more significant level of autonomy. It extends substantial decision-making power to lower organizational levels, enabling them to make choices and take actions within a broader context, promoting creativity and innovation.
Decision-Making Extent
Delegation entails the transfer of specific decision-making powers related to the delegated tasks or responsibilities. It involves a focused transfer of authority concerning particular assignments or areas.
In contrast, decentralization encompasses a more comprehensive approach to decision-making. It involves the dispersion of decision-making authority across various organizational aspects, not limited to specific tasks.
Decentralization strategically distributes decision-making power across departments, functions, or units, influencing a wide array of organizational decisions.
Read More: What is Centralization in Management?
Directive Nature
Delegation operates within a more directive framework. It involves a superior issuing specific instructions or guidelines to a subordinate concerning particular tasks or responsibilities.
The instructions are often detailed and aim to guide the delegate in achieving the desired outcomes effectively. This approach ensures that tasks are carried out in alignment with the superior’s vision or standards.
Conversely, decentralization allows greater independence in decision-making. It fosters an environment where individuals or teams at lower levels have more freedom to make decisions without rigid guidelines from higher-ups.
Strategic Nature
Decentralization aligns with strategic organizational decisions. It’s a policy-driven approach initiated by top management to achieve specific long-term organizational goals.
This strategic shift involves a deliberate redistribution of decision-making power across various levels of the organization.
In contrast, delegation is more tactical. It focuses on immediate task completion and efficient task allocation within the existing organizational structure without necessarily being part of a broader strategic initiative.
Task-Centric vs. Organization-Centric
Delegation primarily revolves around task allocation and completion within the existing organizational framework. It aims to optimize task distribution and efficiency while ensuring that tasks are executed as per prescribed guidelines.
On the other hand, decentralization extends beyond specific tasks. It has a broader organizational impact as it strategically redistributes decision-making power, aiming to enhance organizational effectiveness and responsiveness.
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Supervisory Role
In the context of delegation, the delegator often assumes a supervisory role. They provide guidance, monitor progress, and offer support to the delegate throughout the task execution.
This supervisory function ensures that the delegated tasks align with the desired outcomes and standards set by the superior.
However, in decentralization, there’s a reduced need for direct supervision. Lower-level managers or teams are entrusted with decision-making autonomy, requiring less hands-on guidance from higher-ups due to the increased independence in decision-making.
Decision Dispersal Strategy
Delegation operates within the hierarchical structure of the organization. It disperses authority to perform specific tasks or responsibilities within the predefined hierarchy.
This means that the transfer of authority occurs vertically, allowing individuals or teams at lower levels to execute designated tasks.
On the contrary, decentralization involves a strategic dispersal of decision-making power. It strategically redistributes decision-making authority across various organizational aspects, not confined solely to specific tasks. This approach involves a more horizontal distribution, impacting multiple organizational functions or departments.
Read More: What is Management?
Central Control Reduction
Decentralization plays a pivotal role in reducing centralized control within an organization. It achieves this by allowing greater autonomy and decision-making power at lower organizational levels. By empowering these levels, it minimizes the reliance on a centralized authority for all decisions.
In contrast, delegation retains control within the hierarchical structure without significantly reducing centralized control. The delegator maintains oversight and control over the delegated tasks within the existing hierarchy.
Similarities Between Decentralization and Delegation
Decentralization and delegation, despite their contrasting approaches, share certain similarities:
- Transfer of Authority: Both involve transferring decision-making power from higher levels to lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.
- Empowerment: Both concepts empower individuals or teams by granting them autonomy to make decisions within specified boundaries.
- Efficiency Enhancement: They aim to enhance efficiency within an organization. Delegation achieves this by distributing tasks effectively, while decentralization promotes efficiency by dispersing decision-making across various levels.
- Enhanced Responsibility: Both encourage a sense of responsibility among individuals or teams. Delegation makes individuals responsible for specific tasks, while decentralization distributes accountability for broader decision-making.
- Organizational Agility: Both facilitate organizational agility. Delegation ensures swift task execution, while decentralization fosters adaptability by enabling quicker decision-making at various levels.
Read Next: Centralization Vs. Decentralization – 10 Differences

Sujan Chaudhary is an MBA graduate. He loves to share his business knowledge with the rest of the world. While not writing, he will be found reading and exploring the world.